
Rules & Regulations.

Admittedly, Leviticus and Numbers are challenging texts to trudge through, particularly if you read them through in isolation.  Metaphorically, Leviticus and Numbers are like having a plate full of spinach to eat—so, I encourage you to read those texts along with gospel passage and a psalm, it’s like a well mixed green salad with a...



In the Gospel of Matthew, we get the genealogy of Jesus the Messiah and the birth story in Chapter 1; Chapter 2 includes the visit from the Wise and the Escape to Egypt;  Chapter 3 takes us to the river for the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist.   Then in Chapter 4, Jesus begins...



Have you ever carried large rocks up a mountain?  Several years ago, I was traveling to Greensboro to visit my parents.  On the drive up, I phoned them just to check in.  My Mom warned me that my Dad had a task for me when I arrived.   He wanted me to help him move a...


Count ’em

"Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom."


A Few Things that Matter

What kind of clothes are we wearing? I am keenly aware that it is becoming more and more difficult to tell the Christ-followers in our society from the non Christ-followers. I grew up in a denomination where how you dressed and wore your hair was indicative of what church you attended.  I discovered, later in...


Patience with difficult people. Seriously?

I read these words in the 2nd Letter to Timothy this week:  “Again, I say, do not get involved in foolish, ignorant arguments that only start fights. The Lord’s servants must not quarrel but must be kind to everyone.” (2 Timothy 22:23-24a) Those words pricked my heart.  (Let me explain what I mean by “pricked my heart.” ...