
More Than A “Feel-good” Phrase

In re-reading elements of the Book of Esther this week, I came across that beautiful passage that we often hear quoted, “For such a time as this.” When we remove those words from their context, they become a celebration of initiative; an inspiring encouragement and an affirmation of our place in time. They become some...

The Conjunction “but…”

The Conjunction “but…”

If you’re following along and reading in the One Year Bible, you’ve come upon the action-packed passage of Acts 12:1-23.  This story recounts the beginning of persecution experienced in the early church.  This particular story involves Simon Peter (one of the 12 disciples.)   “About that time King Herod Agrippa began to persecute some believers in...


Rules & Regulations.

Admittedly, Leviticus and Numbers are challenging texts to trudge through, particularly if you read them through in isolation.  Metaphorically, Leviticus and Numbers are like having a plate full of spinach to eat—so, I encourage you to read those texts along with gospel passage and a psalm, it’s like a well mixed green salad with a...



In the Gospel of Matthew, we get the genealogy of Jesus the Messiah and the birth story in Chapter 1; Chapter 2 includes the visit from the Wise and the Escape to Egypt;  Chapter 3 takes us to the river for the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist.   Then in Chapter 4, Jesus begins...


God’s Mercies are New EVERYDAY

I pray that today, in the midst of the overwhelming flood of chaos that we are experiencing, above all else, you will experience God's rescue, God's salvation, God's grace, God's mercy and God's unfailing love.



If you’re following along in the One Year Bible, you know that our readings this week take us through the account of the great exodus from Egypt.  Today’s text starts with these words: “You must remember this day forever. Each year you will celebrate it as a special festival to the LORD.” – Exodus 12:14...



For those following along in the One Year Bible, you know we’ve been trudging through the book of Exodus and the last few chapters of the Gospel of Matthew.  I use the word “trudging” when talking about our passages from Exodus because the text seems static and stale, often times on the surface boring and...



Have you ever carried large rocks up a mountain?  Several years ago, I was traveling to Greensboro to visit my parents.  On the drive up, I phoned them just to check in.  My Mom warned me that my Dad had a task for me when I arrived.   He wanted me to help him move a...


Even now, Faith works

As I read the book of Hebrews, I am struck by the author’s style and technique as he/she presses a point that he/she so desperately wants us to understand; to grasp and take as treasure. The writer begins Chapter 11 with this verse:  ” Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance...