God is a "hair counter."
Foolish Arguments
Proclaiming the "truth" without exhibiting the transformative power of the truth in our lives only proves us to be hypocrites.
What kind of clothes are we wearing? (not your clothes, but your CLOTHES) I am keenly aware that it is...

From the side, it looked like a gigantic bird with its head turned up toward the heavens; it was not.
Can It Be This Simple?
So, I must admit that I am guilty. I find it easy to be caught up in the maddening maze...
A Few Things that Matter
What kind of clothes are we wearing? I am keenly aware that it is becoming more and more difficult to...
Lyrical Beauty
This week’s readings in the One Year Bible featured Psalm 85. This Psalm is a beautiful song of trust and...
Patience with difficult people. Seriously?
I read these words in the 2nd Letter to Timothy this week: “Again, I say, do not get involved in...
“Away from send” otherwise known as FORGIVENESS
The following thoughts are from Guest Blogger: Steven Stillwell. A very thought provoking service and discussion again took place this...
There Is No Place Like Home
When Dorothy famously clicked the heels of her ruby red slippers and said, “There’s no place like home,” we all...
You’re Home!
The following words are from the pen of our friend, Kim Lee. I hope you find comfort in these words,...
Fear Not! Seriously, Fear Not!

“The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and delivers them. O taste and see that the...