Can It Be This Simple?

So, I must admit that I am guilty.

I find it easy to be caught up in the maddening maze of voices peddling hate and intolerance;  I find it natural to scream back and in doing so I escalate the volume and intensify the hate and intolerance.  It creates anxiety, causes stress, and frankly, makes me worry. 

Yes, I’m guilty.   I worry!

This week’s readings from the One Year Bible, include Paul’s letter to the Philippians.   We are all quite familiar with the often quoted, Philippians 4:13 (For I can do everything with the help of Christ who gives me the strength I need.)  But just a few verses earlier, we find these words:

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything.  Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.  If you do this, you will experience God’s peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand.  His (God’s) peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7)


I read that this morning and those first words landed on me like a wet blanket. 

“Don’t worry!”

What?  Don’t worry?  Really? Don’t worry about anything?   How is that possible?  It seems unnatural NOT to worry in such troubling times. 

Yet, Paul makes that directive and follows it up with another directive that offers an alternative behavior, a replacement action. 

“Instead, pray about everything.” 

Every time I think about prayer, talk about prayer or see the words “pray” or “prayer” I am reminded of my grandmother. (Forgive me for repeating this. I know I’ve shared this many times.)  In her small unassuming mill house, hung a ceramic plague she made in bible school.  The plague contained a painted red rose with green stem and the words, “Prayer changes things.”  She would often point to the plague and tell us, “Mostly what it changes is…me.” 

Yes, I believe prayer and praying can change situations, circumstances and even move mountains.  But most days it is me that needs changing.
In these two verses, Paul is offering a “way of life” that promises to eliminate worry, alleviate stress and replace it with PEACE. 

Instead of worrying about anything pray about everything!   And…the results?   According to Paul, if we do this we will experience PEACE.  But not just a complacent peace, it is an active peace.  It is a peace that GUARDS our hearts (the center of our being) and minds (the place where our thoughts roll around).   It’s like one of those slow release medicines advertised on TV that keep on working hour after hour.

All we have to do is pray. 

Pray.  (being in relationship with God) (having conversation with God) (pouring out our hearts to God) (making our petitions known to God) (offering our praise and Thanksgiving) Pray.

Will you join me in making prayer a way of life? 
Allow me to encourage all of us (me included) to pray. It may just offer the solution we seek for these troublesome times in which we find ourselves.

I’m willing to try it.